VERSA Modules Universal Platform Adaptors
1. Adaptor Set (4x8, 1.5mL tubes) VER-ADAP-CTH
Adaptor for 32 microfuge tubes with hinged caps. It can be integrated with all VERSA liquid handling workstations. 2-piece set contains tube with hinged lid holder and tube lifter.
2. Taper Tube Adaptor (6x8, 1.5 mL tubes)
48 x 10.5mm Eppendorf, 1.5 mL tube adaptor compatible with VERSA Mini PCR and VERSA NAP. Tubes are used without lids.
3. Via Adaptor VER-ADAP-VIAL-48-9mm
Alphanumerically marker for easy identification. Commonly used as a storage system for 40 x 9 mm vials for liquid-liquid extraction. Plate compatible with VERSA Mini PCR and VERSA NAP.
4. Vial Adaptor (6x8, 2.0 mL tubes) VER-ADAP-VIAL-48-11mm
Commonly used for extraction protocols requiring placement of vials on shaker. May be used as a storage system for32 x 11 mm vials for liquid-liquid extraction. Plate compatible with VERSA Mini PCR and VERSA NAP. Vial Adaptor (5x7, 2.0 mL vials)
5. Vial Adaptor (5x7, 2.0 mL vials) VER-ADAP-VIAL-35-12mm
Commonly used for extraction protocols requiring placement of vials on shaker. May be used as a storage system for 32 x 12 mm vials for liquid-liquid extraction. Plate compatible with VERSA Mini PCR and VERSA NAP.
6. Plate Cooler: Portable Hybrid Plate / Cooler Adaptor Top (96-well) HYBRID TOP, VER-ADAP-PC
Fits 96-well round plates or 0.2 mL strip tubes Can be used as PCR plate or as cooler top.
Used in PCR prep and culture plate
applications. To used as a cooler plate put in refrigerator prior to use.
7. Tube Adaptor (6x8, 11 & 12 mm tubes) VER-ADAP-TUBE-48-11mm
75 x 11 mm test-tube adaptor. Can be used as a storage system. Compatible with VERSA workstation for liquid-liquid extraction.
8. Tube Adaptor (5x7, 13 mm tubes) VER-ADAP-TUBE-35-13mm
75 x 13 mm test tube adaptor. May be used as a storage system. Compatible with VERSA LLE and SPE.
9. Tube Adaptor (4x6, 15 mm tubes) VER-ADAP-TUBE-24-15x100mm-V-Cap
100 x 15 mm test tube adaptor used as a storage system. Compatible with VERSA Cap Piercing.
10. Tube Adaptor (4x6, 15 mm tubes) VER-ADAP-TUBE- 24-15x130mm-V-Cap
130 x 15 mm test tube adaptor used as a storage system. Compatible with VERSA Cap Piercing.